Precision Services


  • Normal day to day pings and pains, injuries related to training or traumatic injuries from a fall or other accident.

  • Physical therapy after orthopedic surgery can aide in tissue healing, decrease pain and return you to your sport safely. Please bring MD orders and protocols if available. I work closely with your surgeon to ensure optimal outcomes.

  • Are you done with rehab but not quite ready to return fully to your sport? Do you lack confidence in your knee? Are you feeling strong enough to return to your prior level? Bridge the gap from rehab to performance with an PT who has experience with advanced ACL rehabilitation at an elite level.

  • Identifying areas in your body that are vulnerable to injury, and addressing those things before they become an injury, is a great way to care for your body and do what you can to stay out there as long as you can. This is good for any age, youth to masters. Make it an annual event to reduce your risk and stay active as long as possible!

  • Dry needling is a safe and effective technique that uses a thin monofilament needle to treat muscle trigger points. A needle inserted into a tight band of muscle can relieve pain, reduce tightness and increase blood flow in the affected muscle.

  • Boost your recovery and strength gains with BFR. BFR involves application of a tourniquet to the limb you are exercising in order to restrict blood flow to the limb. When exercising with BFR, the muscles fatigue with a very low load. This leads to positive adaptations in the muscle size, strength or endurance that you typically see with lifting heavy loads.

    When injured or recovering from a surgery, or when in-season, often you are unable to tolerate heavy enough loads to cause muscle strength gains and hypertrophy. BFR provides a way to build strength with a light load.

  • A clinical exam and a sport specific movement assessment, including treadmill running assessment to identify potential reasons for your pain or offer suggestions how to modify your running to reduce pain.

  • Detailed movement assessment in your natural training environment. Meet at your field/trail/gym/court/snow and complete a video analysis of you performing the normal movements of your sport. We can break down phases of motion to detect compensations and imbalances that can not always be detected in a clinical exam.

  • Have you been experiencing falls or are you worried about falling? There are many ways to assess balance and determine risk of falling. Strength and flexibility will also be assessed. A comprehensive treatment program will be designed to improve your balance and ensure you are at a low risk for falls.

Did you know that you can be evaluated and treated by a Doctor of Physical Therapy without a referral from your physician or healthcare professional in Minnesota? Set up an appointment today!